Hard Antler
Just like wood, antler is a beautiful, durable, renewable & sustainable material. While most commonly used as a pet chew, it can also be used for jewellery, knife handles, furniture, décor or whatever you have in mind.
Purchasing antler from us allows you to trace it's source & watch the growing process from start to finish. Certificate of Authenticity, identifying which of our bulls grew it & when, is included with with each piece of antler. Whether you're using it as a pet chew, or in a project, you can have peace of mind knowing its origins. All antler we sell is proudly grown by our boys right here on our farm.
Available March '26
Join Our Wait List - narrowsedgeelk@gmail.com

Elk Antler Facts
-Bull elk grow a new set of antlers each year, beginning in April & finishing just before rut in August
-Elk antler is one of the fastest growing tissues in the animal kingdom, growing up to one inch per day.
-A set of antlers from a full grown bull can weigh up to 40lbs
-Antler size is based on age, genetics & diet
-A bull's first antlers begin to grow in their second year, when they are referred to as "Spikes"